Privacy Policy

Message to the customers

Dear user, welcome to privacy policies. We aim to make the experience valuable for you. The company respects the user’s right to privacy and therefore follows a policy of protecting the user's personal information. The company does not support cybercrime and obtains the best available resources to protect networks and valuable consumer information.

The company also understands the user’s concerns over how their information is used and how it is protected. Through this privacy policy, the user can learn more about their personal information's utilization and safety. The website can use user personal information for marketing purposes.

The policy also explains the measures that have been taken by the company to ensure the protection of valuable and personal data and information. The company does not misuse or take advantage of the user’s data without permission unless required by the law. The following sections will explain the process of information collection and its usage in detail.

Process for requests

The website prioritizes the needs and the requirements of the users to answer and provide help as soon as possible. A period of 7 working days is essential for the site to review the request, act upon it, and contact the user.


In the digital world, the digital signature is accepted as the users' authentic consent given to the companies. Before signing, the users must understand what they are opting for:

  • The users must carefully read and go through the privacy and permission agreement when using the site.
  • The user must not give their information to the ads and other sources when visiting or browsing our site. The website will not be responsible for using the user’s personal information by other advertisements and other sources on the site.
  • If the user is concerned/unsure at any point, we advise the user to contact the support helpline here immediately.
  • The users hold the right to correct or edit any part of the data containing their personal information at any time.
  • The users hold the right to restrict the website from using their personal information for marketing purposes.
  • The website cannot be held accountable for sharing the password by the user to third parties. In case of a breach, the user is required to contact the support department immediately here.



  • The website holds the right to contact third parties and affiliations for obtaining security and privacy services. Meanwhile, personal information may be transferred to other more secure systems and protocols for purposes of protection.
  • The website holds the right to choose the protection companies that it believes act in the best favor of the users and the company.
  • The website holds the right to make changes, amendments in the privacy agreement from time to time. The users are not liable to sign the agreement in case of disagreement.
  • The website provides a backup system for any accidental loss or damage to data.
  • The website may demand proof or re-identification by the user from time to time to ensure that an intruder is not using the account.

How does the website collect data?

The users should be aware of the methods and ways the site can use their information and data. Mentioned below are some of the areas that reflect on how the website collects and uses the users' data and information. The website gathers information about the user when the consumer places orders for products to be delivered. The main elements of this data include the users:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Email address
  • Postal address
  • Delivery address
  • Telephone number mobile number
  • Fax number
  • Payment and bank account details
  • Payment modes (changeable for each order)
  • Other optional preferences of the users

How does the website use the data?

This data is saved and identified by the personalized account of each user. The information is further used to verify the user's identity and validation and verify the transactions and financial requests. The website can also use this information to improve the website's layout and design as the user navigates around the site. This information is also helpful for the website for improving the quality of services to enhance productivity.

The website can also use personal information to reach out and contact the users for obtaining consent to process the information for other purposes. The website can provide parts of this information to third party vendors and delivery service correspondents for carrying deliveries and orders to the user’s residences. The information is also stored to be verified at times of refund and payments.

The personal information can also be used to identify the geographical location of the user for many purposes. This information is also used to study consumer behavior for marketing and product development. In situations where the data is analyzed and studied, it is important to mention that the data is strictly statistical and does not violate any form of privacy or confidentiality.

On other occasions, the users may be approached for conducting surveys and questionnaires that may require the user to remain anonymous. The users may also be frequently contacted by the site to review promotions and deals on the site, to keep the users interested. The users can opt-out to discontinue to receive any promotional or additional information from the site by simply clicking unsubscribe. This research further helps the site to display options and advertisements that might interest the user.

The website also requires the user’s data to inform and contact the user for any competitions, prizes, or events that may be announced. This will be adjacent to making participation requests and invitations for the users.


Cookies are identified as small text files that connect the servers to computers after identifying the users when browsing or visiting any page. The cookies are saved by the internet and computer networks to recognize IP addresses and protocols to grant access to sites. The use of cookies is essential for enabling the basket functionality on the website, allowing the user to place an order. The user holds the right to enable or restrict cookies on their browsers and sights.

The website takes responsibility that the cookies for the site will not harm the user in any way. The specified cookies will allow the user to search and browse the site and shop more freely. The website also uses Google Analytics to study and save information about user preferences and patterns of using the website and provide reports to Google servers in the U.S. is. made to make eCommerce trust worthy and easy. We take all the pain of fake products.

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